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Shift Left Cloud Infrastructure Security with Travis McPeak


Tech help desk ticketing is going out of style. Cloud forward companies are shifting left and moving towards self service access controls to increase developer productivity. 

In this episode of the All Aboard Podcast, Alex is joined by Travis McPeak, CEO and Co-founder at Resourcely, a startup that helps developers simplify cloud resource management and security through automation and well defined guardrails. 

Travis is a security leader with over a decade of experience spanning cloud security, application security, and automation at companies like Netflix, Databricks, IBM, HP, and Symantec. 

What’s inside:

  • The discovery of a company security fault that led to the start of Resourcely
  • Travis’s advice on where time should be spent to optimize developers’ workload
  • Why ticketing is an outdated practice to drive security remediation
  • What the platform engineering movement is and how it has changed the way teams are organized
  • How to empower developer teams with self service access controls 



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