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Moving Beyond “Break Fix” IT with Ylan Muller, IT at FireHydrant

When you think of IT, you might picture the unsung heroes who fix your computer glitches, who help you set up new software, or who train users in how to use new equipment and technology. 

But IT is so much more than just the “break fix” function.

In this episode of the All Aboard Podcast, Alex talks to Ylan Muller, Senior IT Manager at FireHydrant. With over a decade of experience spanning from smaller startups to high-growth, late-stage tech companies, Ylan helps demystify the role of IT and explores its transformative potential for organizations.

What’s inside:

  • A deep dive into the true scope of the IT function
  • Ylan shares insights into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by IT teams at early vs. later stage companies
  • How Ylan measures success and evaluates progress
  • Ylan’s advice for balancing productivity and security in a remote first world
  • How forward thinking IT teams are thinking about security amidst growth



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