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Demystifying ITDR with Didi Dotan


This week’s episode of the All Aboard Podcast, dives into the world of Identity Threat Detection and Response – or ITDR – with Didi Dotan. Didi was the CTO and co-founder at Oort, which provides IAM analytics and helps companies find identity security vulnerabilities. 

Didi, with over a decade of experience in the cybersecurity space, shares the common identity security challenges Oort was built to address and shares his outlook on the intersection between IT and Security; specifically what it means when we say identity is the new security perimeter. Didi also chats about his experiences in taking a company through an acquisition and his thoughts on the future of the IAM space.

What’s inside:

  • How Oort shifted from access controls to threat detection to acquisition
  • Why there’s value in positioning through the user’s perspective
  • The key differences and current uses for IAM vs CIAM 
  • Balancing advanced detection modeling and the day-to-day security necessities 
  • Why test driven models are the way to go 
  • Future goals and predictions for IAM and ITDR



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