Live demo: Automating the Identity Lifecycle
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    Zero Trust in Practice: How We Keep Customer Data Secure at ConductorOne

    Brittany Smail
    Our company mission to “secure the workforce” guides not only how we design our platform but also our multilayered internal approach to protecting customer data.
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    Traditional PAM is Dead, Long Live Just in Time Access

    Alex Bovee
    For the modern, cloud-forward company, strategies for securing infrastructure and identity are changing at a breakneck pace. MFA and trditional PAM are not sufficient for securing access in the cloud. Dive into the future of PAM through least privilege and JIT access in this blog.
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    HARBleed: When History Doesn't Repeat, But It Does Rhyme

    Paul Querna
    The cybersecurity landscape is marked by breaches that serve as learning pivots. The Okta's recent incident shares a thematic lineage with one of the most notorious security lapses in history: Heartbleed. Delve into the C1 coined concept termer "HARBleed," which highlights its procedural kinship with Heartbleed and emphasizing the lurking danger represented by bearer tokens.
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    Embracing the SaaS Mindset: "There's an App for That"

    Paul Querna
    "There's an app for that" has become the new norm to navigate the growing software ecosystem. Automation is key to finding this balance.
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    Rethinking Access Management: Centralization vs. Decentralization

    Paul Querna
    Rethinking access management and finding a balance between centralization and decentralization is vital to ensure your organization remains responsive to these changes.
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    Secrets, Key Rotation, and the Role of Automation

    Paul Querna
    GitHub's accidental leak of their SSH RSA server private key sheds light on security best practices. What can we do to prevent other such breaches and increase our security posture. Our CTO Paul Querna gives his take.
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    SOC2 and Least Privilege Access Control

    Alex Bovee
    Least privilege access control has become the guiding principle for granting ass for SOC 2 compliance, but it can seem daunting to tackle this challenge with so much gray area. Learn how can you practically implement least privilege access controls.
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    When Threat Models Collide

    Paul Querna
    Insider and outsider threats are starting to look the same - hackers are stealing identities or logged in sessions. Our approach to a solution? A pragmatic least privilege maturity curve.
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    ChatGPT and How AI will Impact Security

    Alex Bovee
    Thoughts on ChatGPT, AI, and the long ranging security impacts - especially to phishing and social engineering based attacks.